Thursday, February 10, 2011

Jennifer Aniston in Allure

Oh, Jennifer Aniston. Guys love her (MM for one, would surely put her on his freebie list.) Girls want to be friends with her (except when she whines about Brad Pitt. Nobody wants a whiny friend.) I, for one, think she looks fantastic for 41, and she always has a way of looking fresh and pretty, even if she's never the most fashion forward.

Other people clearly think she's gorgeous as well. She came in second for Most Desired Body, as well as Most Desired Hair. So when I saw that J. An had an upcoming photoshoot in Allure, I expected her signature look: shiny straight locks, and something breezy and white or fitted and black.

Whoa, Nelly was I wrong. Or at least, partially wrong. It's breezy.

Well, she sure showed off her body. But what is with the rest of it?! Dark smoky eyes, trendy choppy bangs?? Oh, sweetie, no. It doesn't even look like her. This is way worse than The Rachel. Worst of all, they photoshopped her (and her chin) beyond recognition. Looking at her closeup, she looks like a Barbie doll. Playmate edition.

Anybody else disappointed in the photoshoot? Or do you love Aniston's new look?

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