Sunday, January 23, 2011

Celebrity dopplegangers

In honor of the recent news that Denard Robinson, University of Michigan's starting quarterback, is staying on for another season, I have decided to share a maybe-embarrassing story with you.

MM, who is thrilled (or at least, not displeased) that Robinson is staying, and I were having a conversation about the Michigan QB a while ago, and I mentioned that I thought he looked like Lil Wayne.

"That is a huge insult to Denard!" MM had protested.

Now whether or not that is true, or whether or not you think I am incredibly racist (what? It's not like I said he looked like Will Smith or anything...), let's look at the facts AKA pictures.

source, source
Am I right? Yes?? MM says he doesn't see it, but I think he is just protecting his dear QB from looking like an ugly rapper (no offense Lil Wayne).

Any dopplegangers you see but others don't? Or even better, do YOU have a celebrity doppleganger?

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