Sunday, May 1, 2011

A shoe story

A few weeks ago, I got it in my head that I needed nude wedges. Armed with a vague idea of what I wanted, I wandered the shoe aisle of TJ Maxx (LOVE the deals). After trying on several shoes that were cute but not what I was looking for, I thought I found a pair that worked.

They were only $24.99, and they seemed comfortable enough in the store. There was still this nagging feeling inside my head, though, that they weren't. quite. right. I didn't even know what I was looking for really--so again, with a vague idea in my head, I started browsing the internet. After visiting my usual haunts --Aldo, Nine West, Endless, Zappos-- I came up empty. On a whim, I clicked on Piperlime. Then, I found THE PAIR.

May I introduce the Dolce Vita Sancia in natural. It was perfect. The exact nude color I was envisioning, a wedge, and oh-so-high. And it was on sale! ....for $129. *screeeeeeech*

That is my entire month's budget for groceries. BAM. Perspective. Distraught (oh yes, first world problems), I tried to love the shoes I had already bought. They are high, reasonably comfortable with the soft suede straps......but I still couldn't help thinking about the Sancia. It was my DREAM shoe. The TJ shoe was not enough wedge, too 'bone' colored. Frustrated, I tried looking for less expensive alternatives. Instead, I just found lookalikes that were even more expensive (True Religion's Sue, DVF's Opal).

Until today. Browsing through Forever 21 (don't make fun of me; I try to avoid the teenybopper stuff), I saw a very promising perspective. The color was perfect, and it was a sky high wedge. It didn't have a price tag, but when I came up to the counter--$24.50!! Score!!!! Back to the store for you, TJ shoes!!!

The picture is not great, but the color is exactly what I was looking for, AND it was a wedge. It doesn't have the awesome bandage detail of the Sancia, but at a fraction of the cost, I can't complain. LOVES.

I think I really just wanted to replace my all time favorite summer shoes:

These splash wedges were bought for me by my mom back when I was in high school. Yes, they are a decade old, but they were so comfortable I could run in them, and still high and cute. Despite being battered and gross (as evidenced by the picture), I've been reluctant to throw them out of the back of the closet. Probably out of nostalgia. But now, with the new shoes, out with the old!!!

Moral of the story: yay shoes.

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